Tom Tzitzura

Democratic Clean Elections Candidate
State House Representative LD-29

Open Non-Partisan Primaries and Rank Choice Voting
Improve State Education
Woman’s Unconditional Right to Choose

My Mission




It is no secret that legislation in our state concerning some of our
most deeply held values has been an issue for a long time.
Among those values, I plan to prioritize the following:

Defend Democracy

Improve State Education

Women’s Unconditional Right to Choose


Defend Democracy

Improve State Education

Women’s Unconditional Right to Choose

No person, group, or government has the ethical right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. I will not support any law that places undo obstacles or burdens upon a woman that has to make life changing decisions for herself. She should be free of political pressures from outside groups. She should be free to consult with her medical professional and family who she trusts to make the decision that is right for her well being.


Vote Tom Tzitzura!

Democratic Clean Elections Candidate

State House Representative LD-29